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Is College Fun, Stressful, Worth it, or Offer the Best Life

is college fun

After high school, students are always eager to join their college of dreams. An opportunity to join college is usually a new chapter to learn in a different environment.

That said, the possibilities in college may seem endless when compared to high school. Depending on how fast you adapt, students can experience a total burnout or fun when in college.

Regardless of the experience, it is important to handle college life with the seriousness it deserves. 

Is College Fun or Stressful?

College Life

College life can be difficult for some people because of transitioning from high school.

For some students, the new opportunities and learning environment can be exciting moments in college.

Nonetheless, the level of studies, workload, assignment complications and energy needed can be a challenge to many students.

If a student does not adapt and settle in college immediately, there is likely to be additional stress and anxiety.

How to Make College Life Fun

As you struggle to adapt to the new college life, there are plausible steps you can take to make this life easier and fun. The following are ways you can nurture your college life and make it fun:

1. Enroll in Classes that Match your Interests

If you take courses that you have no interest in, you are likely to find life boring in college. Therefore, discuss with your parents your area of interest so that they do not force courses on you.

At the end of it all, your happiness and interests should be at the center of discussions. 

2. Go out

As you settle in college, it is vital to strike a good balance between your studies and fun. You can pull yourself out of books and attend a popular party that has been at the center of discussion in class.

If you are not a partying enthusiast, you can explore the city together with like-minded friends. Ensure you engage in a different activity that is out of the academic mindset.

However, set limits to having fun so that it does not become a source of procrastination in studies. Learn how to manage your free time well. 

3. Make new Friends

New college life presents a good opportunity to make a new set of friends. You have finished high school and are now in the company of people with different backgrounds.

College Life

This means you can easily make new friends who can make college life to be fun.

However, be cautious that you establish friendships with students who will not have a bad influence on you. 

The same friendship should be extended to your professors too.

This is a good time to start creating a good rapport with them so that studies will be easier.

If you get into your professors’ good books at an early stage, your stay in college will be more enjoyable. 

4. Participate in Field Trips

Most colleges organize in-house field trips for students. These are educational trips that are meant to make learning easier and more fun.

Apart from giving you exposure, these trips give you a college experience from a different perspective. 

5. Get an Internship/Part-time Job

As you study in college, you can create your own free time and start working part-time. A part-time job especially in your area of study is one of the best motivations that prepare you for your future career.

Entry-level jobs or internship opportunities are good for students because they provide the real situation of the job market. 

In addition to this, these job opportunities are a way of breaking the monotony of attending classes every day without a break. It is a good way of earning money and getting a sense of responsibility as you study. 

6.Take full Advantage of College Resources

Students have access to different college resources. Today’s modern colleges have gyms, labs, career centers, and therapists among others.

Students have the opportunity to use these resources free of charge. Take a break from books and make use of these resources when you are in the company of like-minded friends.

These resources are enough to make your college life more interesting and enjoyable. 

How to Balance Fun and College in Studies

1. Have limits

The start of college life does not mean you have to stop your life and family commitments. Incorporating classes and studies into a schedule that was already busy can pose a challenge.

If you find yourself struggling with your studies, you can start leaving other commitments. You can start by limiting your time for those occasional outings and allocate more time to your studies. 

Moreover, know the right time to take a break. If you find yourself stuck with one assignment, you can take a break to refresh your mind. A walk or some exercise will be a better way of clearing your mind. 

2. Look after yourself

Hanging with friends, and family and doing your studies can be stressful. The exhaustion that comes after a busy day and night can weigh you down.

As a consequence, you can find it difficult to concentrate the next day. In this case, always find enough time to sleep and exercise. Above all, maintain a healthy lifestyle by exercising and sticking to a healthy diet. 

3. Make a Timetable

If you create a timetable and adhere to it, this can be very helpful. Carefully scrutinize the time you need for all your daily tasks.

This will make it easy to allocate time for these tasks and create a reasonable timetable. Ensure that you follow the timetable strictly. This helps you handle all tasks at the right time and avoid forgetting to submit your assignment.

4. Have group Studies

Studying with friends is one of the most effective ways of studying. This is a chance to share learning techniques with like-minded friends.

Making College Fun

With the help of your professors, you can learn more about areas you are struggling.

The friends in your group studies will always alert you when you are having too much fun instead of studying. 

5. Set your Goals

Setting goals is an effective source of motivation. With clear goals, you can improve your grades and finish assignments on time.

Goals can keep you on track especially if you are having too much fun. An academic adviser in college is the best person to help you create helpful academic goals.

The Consequences of Having too Much Fun in College

  • Too much fun brings exhaustion and tiredness. In the end, a student is likely to have less concentration because of this.
  • Having a lot of fun takes away the time a student should concentrate on their studies. This creates pressure on the student. It will result in late assignment submissions, missing deadlines, and submitting late assignments with funny excuses. 
  • You are likely to lose focus on your studies and have bad grades in the end. If you have too much fun, completing important assignments on time will be difficult. This will negatively affect your final grades. 

College Vs High School

There are notable differences between high school and college life. Both lives present unique experiences that which students can have fun.

In terms of social life, sports, and academics, students in college have control of everything. Whether you are staying in college or living off-campus, there is more fun in college because a student has full control. 

The fun life in college is extremely different when compared to high school. While in college, you have a completely different social group.

You also enjoy the independence that you did not have while in high school. You no longer need permission from your parents to go for outings and have fun.

You are simply in full control of your own identity. In college, you are treated as an independent adult. The boring cliques, fixed schedules, and mandatory classes of high school are a thing of the past. 

In many ways, college life is better and more fun than high school life. Professors do not take attendance giving you the chance to take class involvement into your own hands.

Also, you can choose to be directly involved with your professors or operate as an anonymous student. The major disadvantage here is that you can easily forget your studies and focus more on having fun.