Using dialogue in an essay comes with several benefits. It is a great strategy to reinforce the atmosphere to help the reader make judgments concerning the surroundings. In this guide, we explain how to write a dialogue in an essay and present it well.
A dialogue sets the mood by creating a picture in the audience’s mind. Furthermore, the dialogue makes the story advance by developing characters.
Why Include a Dialogue in an Essay?
The dialogue is necessary for an essay to restore the dynamics to enhance the pace of the story. A dialogue can transmit simple lines that it may be hard for you to explain the same things step by step.
Besides, dialogue offers information that the reader will use to sense the information concerning the relationship between personalities, characters, and their moods. Again, dialogue offers the right information about the plot by justifying certain information.
We include dialogue in an essay is to create suspense. The characters involved can overshadow future events and by creating hints to make the reader wonder what would happen next. That can be real if there is a great danger or conflict ahead.
Finally, we involve dialogue in an essay, to sum up, offstage business. The writer would want to avoid the language that makes one feel that the same writing was reporting. It is a new way of allowing characters to interact with each other.
How to Write Dialogue in an Essay
Dialogue is the style where the author of an essay uses different characters that engage in a conversation. Before you use the dialogue in any essay you should consider the following aspects:

1. Structure
The purpose of dialogue in an essay is to express opinions.
For example, if you identify the topic and collected useful information to support your thesis, you can present your dialogue in the introduction with the main characters.
You can begin by providing brief descriptions of personal convictions.
Unlike other different writing in specific research papers, avoid including direct quotes. However, you can include people’s ideas or theories without quoting them directly.
3. Style
As you write dialogue in an essay, you do not have to face the challenge of being creative. The only savior is to enhance your imaginative skills.
4. Characters
Dialogue should include a minimum of at least two characters to help in exposing the two sides of a particular situation. The best standard is to use a simple technique like involving the two characters.
5. Arguments
The writer can employ two ways when communicating the arguments. The initial method is using an en bloc. Here, the method allows you to offer all the arguments in a single paragraph. Another method is indicating your point by using different paragraphs. This method is more preferable since the audience can follow you on every point.
How to Punctuate a Dialogue in the Essay
A dialogue is a significant part of your essay work to relay information and reveal characters. However, you must follow certain rules to make your essay flow well.

1. Use commas and quote marks
It is the first rule when you are writing dialogue in an essay.
Let the quotation marks surround your dialogue and let the comma end it.
You should identify the speaker as you end with a dialogue tag. For example: “This is my favorite cloth,” said Mary.
2. New Paragraph for New Speakers
You should create another paragraph every time you have a new speaker. The paragraph should begin with a new line. For example:
“This is my favorite meal”, says Mary.
“It was an exciting experience”, says Job.
3. A Period inside a Quotation Marks
It is agreeable to use a comma inside the quotation marks if the sentences end with dialogue tags. You can introduce a period within your quotation marks if you are not using the dialogue tags.
Writing a good Dialogue between Characters
Learning how to place dialogue between the characters is a piece of cake if you know the purpose of it. You can use the following principles
- Be realistic: It is not advisable to use difficult or scientific words to cause the average reader to understand your points. As you write the dialogue, it is key to reread it to know how it sounds.
- Set your characters: It is important to set characters just like in movies. Begin by setting the scene with characters and describe where the dialogue is taking place. It aids the readers to have clear pictures of what is ahead.
- Natural Flow: Allow the dialogue to flow naturally. You can do so by placing yourself in the character’s shoe to understand how you could react given the stage. Such an approach assists you in making the essay to flow seamlessly.
- Don’t overuse it: Dialogue can be a great essay tool that can transform the essay into a play script. However, use it moderately to keep the flow.
- Purpose: It is vital to give the dialogue a purpose. This purpose should affect all the characters that you will be involving.
- Human Characters: Let the characters have human emotions and feelings. That should involve both the characters and the narrator. It is vital for the reader to know the mood and the tone of the dialogue.
What to Avoid

- Avoid quoting things that do not relate to the context. Before you make any quote in the dialogue, you should analyze and confirm that the impression relates to the essay truly.
- Avoid too long quotes in the essay. Short quotes are engaging while too long ones may confuse the reader.
- You should not quote every part of your essay as it becomes boring. Furthermore, such an approach reduces the originality of the essay. It shows that you lack imaginative skills to keep your essay moving.
However, writing video essays can be an excellent way of presenting a dialogue because you can set your scripts for every character in the conversation.
Tips on How to Write Dialogues
1. Purpose of Dialogues
First on our list is to give your dialogue a purpose. It should not appear as only a decoration or as a way of filling out the pages. Any meaningless conversion makes the essay boring and redundant.
The role of dialogue should be to advance a story or reveal something. Furthermore, it should evoke the reader’s emotion and enhance anticipation.
2. Make the Dialogue Natural
Allow the dialogue to look like a natural conversation. It should not sound as if it was an artificial creation. You can make it real by focusing on how you relate with your family members as you react to something in life.
3. Use Tags Wisely
Being unique is good but do not forget to act real. Avoid using anything and take away the reader’s attention from the dialogue. Avoid such words, declared, indicated, announced, etc.
4. Use Sub Text
When using natural conversations, many would want to avoid saying things as they are explicit. One may use hints or allusions to pass the message. In this example, “Going somewhere?” The reader would understand that you are not going somewhere.
5. Speak in Character
How one speaks will reveal the personality. The dialogue will enhance the depth of how a specific character reacts to certain situations.
As such, the reader can tell if the character is shy, sarcastic, jealous, or mean. You use certain scenes to build the character and present them to the audience as you want them to appear.
6. Read it Loud
As you complete writing your dialogue essay, it is vital to read it aloud to discover how it sounds in your ears. Alternatively, you can involve a colleague who can read it aloud for you.
If you are hearing it. You can determine if it is flowing naturally or not. You can still know if it is interesting and well written.

Joseph is a freelance journalist and a part-time writer with a particular interest in the gig economy. He writes about schooling, college life, and changing trends in education. When not writing, Joseph is hiking or playing chess.