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Can Teachers Join the Military: Armed Forces Teaching Jobs

Teachers in the Military

Are you a teacher and have been wondering whether you can join the military to practice your profession their or be a member? There are teachers in the military who offer education to children of the military members and military recruits.

Therefore, various military bases have teachers in their camps. This article will digest whether civilian teachers can join the military and answer other related topics.

Can Teachers Join the Military?

teaching in military

Teachers can join the military as employees of the military to teach their children or new recruits.

As a teacher in the military, you can teach an academic subject at a military school where you deal with elementary, middle-aged, and high school students.

You are tasked with preparing children of the militants for their professional lives.  Also, you can teach at military colleges and universities to cover topics such as rifle use and leadership offered to new recruits.

How Teachers Can Enrol in The Military

For teachers to be enrolled in the military, they should do the following:

1. Earn a Bachelor’s Degree

To become a teacher in the military you should have graduated with a bachelor’s degree in sectors such as early childhood education, secondary education, special education, and physical education.

You can major with any choice among these course that suits you most.

2. Gaining Student Teaching Experience

teaching experience

You must first work with students and get the experience before you enrol to teach in the military. This experience can be gotten through teaching practice while studying or other teaching jobs after graduating.

Even before you register for your teaching certification exam, you must complete a certain number of supervised classroom hours

3. Get a Teaching License

A bachelor’s degree is not enough to teach in a military school. You must acquire a teaching license.

To become a teacher in the military in the United States you must obtain a valid U.S teaching license since other certifications may not be enough to qualify you for the military job. The license you obtain should depend with the state in which the military base is situated.

4. Apply for the Job

The last step and most important one is to apply for the teaching jobs in the military. When you are ready to apply, create a resume that is well written highlighting your skills and qualifications.

All coursework and eleventh education completed along all wok experiences and licenses must be included.

5. Pass Army Physical Standards

Before you become a teacher in the army especially as a teacher for other trained personnel or recruits, you must pass the physical standards.

This might require you to be taken through a military physical training to get you ready. This includes combat skills and survival skills.

6. Pass Drug Tests

a drug test

To be enrolled in the army as a teacher, you must be drug free. The military does not condone drug abuse.

Having the right physical and mental shape is very important in the military. Drugs can easily affect both of these which is the main reason why they are not allowed.

Important Skills for Teachers in the Military


Communication is important as a teacher in any level. Teachers must be able to put across their message both orally and in writing. Also, teachers have meetings with their superiors, parents, and administrators.

Therefore, their communication skills must be top notch to provide a detailed report on their students. Its only through proper communication skills that students will understand the course material.


As a teacher in the military, you must have strong leadership skills. This helps you manage different classroom environments. The teacher can assign coursework, present lessons, and hold students accountable for their actions through proper leadership.

Also, through leadership the teacher easily gains respect among the students.


A teacher should always be organized. It is through organization that as a teacher you can manage classrooms, schedules, and students in the military.

Also, organization helps maintain lessons plans and learning progress.

Technology and Computer Skills

As a teacher you should be conversant with modern technology. You should be well versed with computer technology to help prepare their lessons, present different topics, prepare curricula, and communicate with parents.

Roles a teacher can take in the military

Some of the roles that you can get as a teacher in the military include:

basic teaching skills

Drill Sergeant

A teacher can work as a drill sergeant in the army to teach basic training to new recruits. The purpose is to get the recruits in the proper, Mental and physical shape required for the army.

Also, teachers should help them maintain personal cleanliness and neatness is required. This includes, dressing properly, making the bed, and maintaining personal hygiene.

To be a drill sergeant, you will need to be chosen, appointed, or have your application accepted. Also, you should have undergone basic training which tests you from what you learn.

Each tests builds from the previous one to ensure that you are an officer ready to teach recruits the essentials of becoming a member of the military

Senior Army Instructor

As senior army instructor you will be in charge of programs that involve leadership, physical fitness, military disciplines, and citizenship. This involves face to face sessions in classrooms.

In addition, you would be responsible for student enrolment and counselling, manage extracurricular activities and serve as a link between the school and the military.

Also as a senior army instructor you can be tasked to teach Reserve Officers’ Training Corps program. This program requires you to teach military science courses.

The main purpose of these courses is to prepare students to become officers of the army and at the same time allowing them to complete their university and college studies.

To occupy the role of a senior army instructor especially in the ROTC programs you need to have enrolled in the army, and at least have a bachelor’s degree in the field of specification.

Also, you must meet the requirements of the military, have experience in teaching, and pass fitness and drug tests.

Department of Defence Instructor

In this role, you work at a school to teach children of military members. Positions are available from kindergarten to twelfth grade.

Most of them are oversees and therefore you must be ready to relocate. Also, to occupy this role you will need to have a bachelor’s degree in teaching, meet physical requirements, and have teaching experience.