Procrastination among students is a widespread problem at all levels of study. Students tend to put more value on what is happening today rather than what will happen tomorrow. As a result, they push homework closer to deadlines when they have no choice other than to do it.
The more the factors causing distractions among students increase, the more the percentage of procrastination among students goes up. Almost every student has at least one time fallen victim to the urge to postpone school assignments for a day or two.
Therefore, as one of a student’s worst enemies, procrastination should be dealt with before it affects their academic success.
7 Ways to Stop Procrastination and Start Studying
You can overcome procrastination by yourself or through people around you mainly your parents and your teachers. However, to stop procrastination you should not wait for the people around you to take action.

Taking the initiative by yourself is the best option. The following are ways you can stop procrastination and start studying:
1. Eliminate Distractions
Getting rid of distractions around you is the best way to make sure that you concentrate on your school work.
Some of the common distractions today include social media, video games, and physical sporting activities.
This does not mean that these activities are bad but if they are preventing you from studying then they become distractions that must be limited.
2. Get Organized
Most students who procrastinate do not have a study plan. Therefore, if you find yourself postponing school work then it is clear that you do not have a study plan.
Creating a timetable or a plan to study and adhering to it is an important step that you have to take to avoid procrastination. Being consistent in your studying is key.
Also, keeping track of all your assignments and due dates can help you set the proper time for the completion of each.
3. Set Goals
Not having an aim to achieve is a reason why most students procrastinate. Therefore, to get out of your distractions and start studying, you have to set goals that you want to achieve.
For example, you can plan to finish a certain study topic or assignment within a specific time. This should motivate you and direct your focus to the completion of the goal.
4. Set Deadlines

When you set goals to study a certain topic or complete an assignment, it should have a deadline. The deadline you set for an assignment should be earlier than the one set by your instructor.
This gives you the chance to redeem yourself if something unavoidable happens. Setting deadlines breaks the “I’ll do it tomorrow” cycle.
5. Prioritize
When you prioritize the most urgent and complex assignments that you may not be motivated to do helps avoid postponing them to a date where you will rush to complete them.
Always make a list prioritizing what you need to complete urgently.
6. Reward yourself
Rewarding yourself once you complete a task in time or stick to your study plan motivates you to continue doing the same.
For example, you can set yourself a reward to watch an episode of your favourite documentary.
7. Hold Yourself Accountable
Hold yourself accountable for completing an assignment or studying for a test on time.
Always stop yourself from indulging in activities that promote procrastination by being solely accountable for the betterment of your academic life.
Why Do Students Procrastinate on Studies and Homework?

Most students who procrastinate find themselves doing other things at a time that they should be studying.
For example, students mostly play video games, interact on social media, watch documentaries on YouTube.
They and hang out with friends at a time they are supposed to study hence pushing assignments closer to deadlines.
Poor Organization Skills
When students have no clear plan on how to go about their day then they are likely to be victims of procrastination. There is time for everything. Students should plan their day and make sure that the time set for their studies is not interrupted.
Also, having a study plan and not adhering to it causes procrastination.
Lack of Motivation
When students are not motivated to study, then they are likely to postpone the time set aside for studies.
To find motivation to study, students should set study goals that they aim to complete within a set time and work towards their completion.
Students can have good organization skills, motivation, and no distractions but without discipline then they will still find themselves procrastinating.
It is through discipline that the student will be able to maintain and practice all factors that help avoid procrastination. Therefore, discipline is the greatest factor that students need to observe to prevent procrastination.
Effects of Procrastination
Poor School Grades
Students who procrastinate usually leave themselves lesser time to complete their work. As a result, they rush on their work and do not submit quality work to their instructors and professors.

Therefore, they score poor grades in their work that they can prevent if they stop procrastinating.
This should be done early when a student starts procrastinating because the more, they advance in their studies the more the work becomes harder leading to greater levels of procrastination.
An Overload of School Work
When students procrastinate, they do not have enough time to complete school work which they may be asked to repeat to get a better grade.
Repeating assignments with other new assignments getting added results in an overload of assignments students will not complete on time
Dropping out of School
When a cycle of bad grades is created coupled with low self-esteem and stress, students may find themselves completely disinterested in school and plan to quit. Also, most institutions cannot take poor grades from students for long and may ask them to find another school which also becomes hard to get with poor grades.
Poor Health
When students are rushing with time to complete their assignments, they are likely to experience higher levels of frustration, anxiety, stress, and guilt.
As a result, most of them are depressed and exhibit low self-esteem.