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How to Cheat Blackboard Tests, Quiz or Exam: Not Get caught

How to Cheat On Blackboard and Prevent Being Caught

Usually, most schools give students harder exams as a cheat-proof mechanism. Unfortunately, it becomes impossible for students to pass without cheating.

Blackboard is a virtual learning tool that allows students to view reading materials and participate in the courses.

In some institutions, the instructors use unique browsers and monitors, making it impossible for a student to cheat.

Such programs are sensitive and tend to tag any movement as cheating. For instance, if a student sneezes while taking the exam, it is considered cheating.

There are great tips on how to cheat the blackboard test, as you will discover from this piece.

Ways on How to Cheat Blackboard Test

There are various ways to get answers in a Blackboard exam and use them for a good score. Actually, students cheat in exams while at school using different tricks. However, not all methods do work or are practical.

In general, you can cheat Blackboard in tests, exams, quizzes, or multiple-choice questions by Googling the answers, copying from your friends, paraphrasing the answer, or buying answers like Chegg.

You can also trick Blackboard by impersonation, checking textbooks, or writing answers on your hands.

Let us explore some of these methods in detail

1. Googling the Answers

using google

Using Google is an amazing practice of cheating Blackboard these days.

All because Google answers are accurate. googling answers is easy and cannot be monitored completely.

Even with the technological advances, AI, and other proctoring programs, you can successfully outsmart them.

2. Copy from Friends

Caption this, you open a Google doc and allow editing by anyone who can assess it. With this, you can create and edit your document seamlessly. Fortunately, multiple users can access a single document at the same time.

With Google docs, every change is saved automatically. It presents a live messaging platform in a professional and more corporate setting.

3. Paraphrase Answers

Upon getting answers from a source, use your own words to avoid similarity. Even with limited exam time, try to understand the answer and put it in your own words. Don’t be too lazy on this.

However, while using your own words, do not alter the meaning.

4. Get Answers on Chegg or Course Hero

Need quick answers to Blackboard exam questions? Well, check them on Chegg or Course Hero: on Chegg, you have access to homework assistance. This platform keeps in its database answers to questions in textbooks.

chegg account signin

In addition, you can post a question here and receive an answer within 30 minutes. Experts answer your questions.

On the other hand, course hero allows you access to course-specific content whenever you need it. The community of students and teachers offers to assist materials in videos, class notes, or study guides.

5. Write Answers on your Hand

This is the old-school method. Since you are taking an online exam, it’s easier to write answers on your hands and write them. You may consider writing your text in a code you will easily decipher during the exam.

You can write your information on fingernails or the little space between your fingers. Also, you can wear a long-sleeve shirt and write notes on your arm, the front-facing you.

6. Take an Exam with your Friend

You can organize with your friend and have him sit somewhere not seen by the webcam. You can use another screen to project the question and answers.

In addition, you can hide your communication by wearing a beanie or hat that goes beyond your ear and wireless Bluetooth earphones.

Besides giving you answers, doing an exam with a friend can help you relax and concentrate on your work.

7. Do Exams with Books

Before you start your exams, your teacher will mostly request a 360-webcam search. Since you will not move during the exam, place your book in a strategic place you can access, and the camera will not realize.

How Blackboard Detects Cheating

While you may try all the methods or tricks to cheat your exam, be warned. Blackboard was designed to catch some cheats. The system has some checks that can be used by your professor to catch you.

In fact, cheating is not encouraged at all and it is highly punishable by educational institutions. So as you try to be canning, be warned. The Blackboard uses the following methods among others.

1. Using Plagiarism Scanner

copy-pasted image

Blackboard uses SafeAssign to detect plagiarism. It does so by highlighting unoriginal content from previously submitted assignments.

SafeAssign in blackboard can be used either in assignments or indirect submit.

In assignments, the instructor integrates SafeAssign into the regular blackboard assignments.

In direct submission, the teacher may choose to check students’ work through Safeassign or not. He opts to upload a single file, read the viewing report, and decide not to share the report with the student.

SafeAssign will detect cheating if you don’t follow the following:

  • Fail to paraphrase thoroughly- paraphrasing is restating passages or text from a source, using your vocabulary. It is inevitable, and you will usually paraphrase more than you will quote. You only need to ensure you keep the meaning of the text but do not copy the exact words.
  • You parahrase poorly. You can paraphrase by using synonyms, altering the structure of a sentence, and changing the voice.
  • When you fail to cite and reference correctly
  • When you fail to outline the information as your own
  • You do not rewrite the content

2. Using Proctor Software

There is numerous proctoring software, and they all have different approaches in curbing exam cheating. They aspire to prevent cheating and promote fairness among the students.

For example, some record a student’s screen and refrain from opening some applications. Similarly, other software monitors the students in real-time as they take their exams. 

Although the proctoring software is highly used, it can wrongly highlight suspicious behavior. For instance, taking an exam causes anxiety. This may make the student act differently, and the software will term it as suspicious.

3. Teachers Monitoring

Teachers and professors are constantly seeking ways of doing online exams with fairness and honesty. On the other hand, students are tempted to search for answers in their notes, online, or check with their friends’ answers.

Resultantly, teachers resorted to using video to monitor their students’ screens while writing their exams. Teachers monitor the exams to ensure there will be no case of impersonation.

Impersonation can be either before the exam starts or during the exam if there is no need for authentication once an exam starts.

4. Professors Comparing Notes

Professors can also check on some patterns and clues to detect cheating. Although identifying cheating without using AI is challenging, professors look at similarities in the body text sections and reference sources.

Identifying submitted works by a professor is only effective if they are well experienced with the student’s knowledge.

Examples of leading patterns include:

  • Inappropriate references
  • Misrepresented bibliographic data
  • General text that is not addressing the required task specifications
  • Irrelevant material

Hacks How not to be Caught Cheating Blackboard

1) Rewrite the Answers

To have the best rewriting answers, delete some words, add more details, write incorrect grammar and redo the formatting. Rewrite the answers using a different personalized format.

To excel in rewriting, mind the following:

  • Understand the question and the answer too
  • Come up with a generalization of the above
  • Create an idea on your understanding and put it in writing
  • Present your answer.

In rewriting, you use different words from what you have copied and presented the same line of thoughts.

When rewriting lengthy passages, you can explain the information by using tables, charts, and diagrams where applicable.

2) Use Your Phone

cheating exam with phone

While using your phone, ensure you are not sharing Wi-Fi with your computer or laptop.

Instead, use mobile data. You ensure there is no secondary IP address like that of your Wi-Fi.

Take a picture of your class notes with your mobile phone.

During exams, place the phone in a place where it’s not seen or camouflage it in your pencil case. Let your phone be below the blind spot.

Dim your room’s lights and turn up the brightness of your machine to the maximum. This way, you can use your phone. Your machine’s brightness absorbs the phone’s light.

3) Hide your Camera

Change the quality of your webcam. Fortunately, as a student, nobody expects you to have a high-level webcam. Yours appearing faulty is somehow expected. You do this by applying a tape on the webcam or applying Vaseline.

This will prevent the camera from detecting body movements and give you the ease of writing your exam. Just like the way students cheat Canvas, Blackboard is also beatable by hiding the camera.

4) Use Different Browsers

Open your preferred browser before starting the exam. Proceed to copy-paste the responses as you require them. This is an easy hack on a remote proctor with limited or no information about on-screen activities.

You can access several websites and find the best solutions, such as CourseHero, JustAnswer, or Chegg.