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Can You Go to College Twice: Re-admission or Getting 2 Degrees

go to college twice

Most students attend one college for their studies and then graduate from that college to get a degree and start their careers.

Many don’t know that attending the same college for two bachelor’s degrees in two years is possible. But does it even make sense?

Can You Go to College Twice

Yes, you can go to college twice. You might not be able to return to the same school you graduated from, but there are many other options for returning to school.

Reasons for Going to the Same College Again

You may want to return to college because:

Going back to College
  • You did not get the job you wanted. You may have chosen the wrong major or did not take enough classes in your field of interest. You’ll need more education to get the job you want.
  • You never graduate with honors or high grades. If this is true for you, it is probably time to retake some courses to improve your GPA or earn honors status on your transcript.
  • You are unhappy with your current career path or salary level but do not know what else would make you happy at work. Many people use their time off between jobs to explore new careers by taking classes at community colleges or private vocational schools that offer career training programs focused on specific fields such as healthcare administration or criminal justice administration.
  • You want additional credentials for advancement within your current field such as becoming certified in a new specialty are. This is common among nurses who want more qualifications for promotion within their industry. 

Rules Guiding Getting 2 Bachelors

Getting 2 bachelors is not an easy task. The following are some of the rules guiding getting 2 bachelors:

The first rule is that you need to be able to attend two different schools at the same time. This means that if you are a full-time student, you cannot go for two different degrees simultaneously.

Going back to College

You need to choose one and follow it until completion. If you want more than one degree, you will have to take up a part-time course or go for distance learning.

Your second rule is that your grades must be good enough to enable you to get into both colleges of your choice with high marks.

You must obtain good enough grades to qualify for admission into both institutions of higher learning at once.

Another factor that can affect whether or not you will be allowed admission into two colleges at once is whether or not they have any vacancies available for students wishing to pursue their degrees simultaneously. 

Some universities do not allow this, while others do; therefore, it is important that before applying for admission into two colleges simultaneously, make sure they have vacancies available

 Why Go Back to College after Graduating

  • You didn’t get a degree before now: Maybe you’ve been working for 10 years and want to advance in your career, but you don’t have a degree. Or maybe you’re just ready to go back to school. In any case, now is the time.
  • You want more job security: Having a college degree can help you feel more secure in your career, even if you’re already employed at a great company with lots of room for advancement.

Tips for Going Back to College after Dropping Out

If you are thinking about dropping out of college and wish you had another chance, you have plenty of options. Here are some tips on going back to college after dropping out.

1. Talk about Your Reasons

Before you make any big decisions, you must talk through your reasons for wanting to go back to school and figure out whether or not it’s the right decision for you. 

If you have a strong sense of purpose for being in school — like wanting to gain specific skills or knowledge that will help your career,  then that makes going back much more likely to succeed.

Going back to College

Take a look at your reasons for dropping out. If you are considering going back to school, take a moment to reflect on why you left in the first place.

If you were unhappy with your major or felt like you weren’t getting enough out of your classes, then it’s worth exploring different options before deciding whether or not you want to return.

2. Research Financial Assistance Options

If money is an issue, check out different scholarship and grant programs that might help pay for school without requiring repayment later on down the road.

You can also talk to your advisor about getting help from government-backed student loans or private loans offered by banks or other financial institutions.

3. Create an Academic Plan

Before heading back to campus as a full-time student, you must create an academic plan that includes coursework requirements, class schedules and extra-curricular activities such as clubs or volunteering opportunities that might help. 

4. Know the Requirements 

Check into the requirements for re-admission at your former school, which may vary by institution. Some schools don’t require students who have left for more than one year to reapply-apply as new students; others require new applications and transcripts from all students, even those who have been away for less than a year.

Applying for College after Being Rejected

When you get rejected from college, it can feel like the world’s end. You might even want to give up on applying for college at all. But don’t give up hope! There are many ways to apply for college after being rejected.

The first thing you need to do is figure out why you were rejected in the first place. If you have good grades and test scores but your application was incomplete, you can update your application materials and reapply to apply.

If your grades or test scores are low, then consider taking classes at a community college or other postsecondary institution while working toward improving your grades and test scores. Once you’ve done so, you may be able to apply again.

If extenuating circumstances prevented you from getting into college despite possessing good grades and test scores (perhaps due to personal hardships), consider contacting each school individually about your situation and see if they would make an exception for you.